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100% crushed Baltic amber (succinite), rich in trace elements (gold, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iodine...), aromatic hydrocarbons, succinic acid and its salts.
Amber powder is the richest source of free electrons and an excellent sorbent. Does not contain
heavy metals, preservatives, dyes.
Perfectly cleans the skin from dead cells and toxins; Smoothes uneven skin; Stimulates the skin
regeneration; Nourishes the skin; Restores skin tone; Reduces fine lines; Removes excess fat; Antiseptic.

For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. After entering the
eyes, immediately well rinse water. Keep out of reach of children. If swallowed, seek medical attention.

AMBER POWDER 30g 100% crushed Baltic amber. Beige powder.

  •  150-250 microns.


Svaros sprendimas Ltd.

Suderves str. 14C, Avizieniu vil.,

LT-14192 Vilnius district, Lithuania

Company Nr 300559932

VAT LT100002365018


Mob.: +37063300004

Bank: Medicinos bankas Ltd.

Bank address: Pamenkalnio str. 40, LT -01114 Vilnius,  Lithuania

S.W.I.F.T (BIC): MDBALT22 IBAN: LT167230000009467510 

Contact us!

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